One of the guys I work with was letting his son pick out a toy and he seen it and picked it up for me. I can't find any of the hotwheels Mavericks anywhere I have looked and he just stumbled across this one.
Cool! Congrats! I have all the regular ones but none of the S.B. one's. I'll probably just break down and get them off of ebay.
yeah I bought the one single Blue/black grabber that I have off ebay and got it cheap. I really have an issue with paying $3-4 for a 95 cent Hotwheel and then paying $4-5 shipping. I got the one I bought for like 50 cent and $1.50 shipping, I can handle that. I was really surprised when the guy at work brought me the Blue/yellow Street Beast.
Ive got 3 colors so far by just checking out the local wal-mart every time we go to the grocery. Also got both colors of the '72 Torino to match mine :bananaman
I was at Toys R Us the other day, and the racks were loaded with them, and the gold ones. I even watched a kid walk out with a gold one.
My friend did the same thing was letting his son pick a toy out and he bought me and another coworker(mav owner) the blue and yellow one.
Got this one off Ebay. Its done very well. I just had to have it.