Just some basic information about me..... I,m old retired and tired...( 72 )..live in Vernon B.C. . Ive collected mavericks and comets since 1990. I wound up with 39 over time, I have 3 cars 72-74-75 completly finished that I store in one of my shops with a 72 sprint barn stored....I,ve been dismanteling and keeping everything including the nuts and bolts...so I,m down to 24 cars in the yard..lots of parts.. keeps me out of the pool hall..I,ll uplink some photos... With best regards to you all, Brad.
Welcome to the board Brad! I have some of the pics you sent me a few years ago...everyone here is in for a treat when you post some pics! Awesome cars! Can't wait...
Welcome!!! any parts you dont want/need I'd be willing to take off your hands! haha Or Mav's themselves for that matter. ha
to the board, Brad.... I still have pics you sent me. The people on this board are in for a big shock when you post pics... Have to agree with Cliff on this one...
Welcome from central Minnesota. waiting to see you collection. Are you going after a Maverick for every year??
BTW. If anyone is interested the pics of Brad's restored cars are in the second newsletter of the MCG. 2nd quarter of 2009. Beautiful cars.