hey guy's. I bought a 76 donor car for my stallion project. the guy I bought it from claims it has a 9" rear end in it, is there some way to ID this and is anyone interested in it if it is a 9"? I have no use for it...
Both the 8" and the 9" have the third member that pulls out from the front. If you cannot get a socket on the lower 2 nuts, it should be a 9". What kind of donor car?
Show us some pictures, we'll be able to tell. It's a very common misconception, that 8" rearends are 9".
I am aware that 8" is what came in the car, all I am saying is the guy I bought it from claimed to have swapped it out...will post pics soon....
Here's the 9" in my car. I'm not sure when they made the change but the later style 9" has an odd shape to the rear like mine but early units have a nice round back side just like the 8". If yours looks like this then it's a 9".
Most guys will need a picture from the front to tell if 8" or 9". Probably some good guys on here can tell from the back. The secret is if you can get a socket on the bottom bolt on the front, it is 8". If it takes a wrench, because there is stuff in the way, 9". See pic...cannot get socket on those two bolts at the bottom of a 9". On an 8", all the bolts are easily accessed and nothing blocking your socket on the way on.
aside from the trusted and true "socket on the bottom two nuts" rule, it also has the 'extra' vertical rib that were not on the most common 9" pots...so yeah 8".