for those close to daytona the turkey rod run is coming up fast. the show is over the thanksgiving weekend 3-4 days. it is held in the daytona speedway.although it is under construction i went to their website and the show is still on. you can go to for info or to preregister. if anyone is coming send me a message and we will try to hook up. this show has over 5500 cars so trying to find someone in the infield is tough. lets show people that the mav and comets are still alive in the south. we all know they are rare down here. you never see them at shows or on the road for that matter. this is also a great place to hunt for parts. the swap meet is huge. for those who might come in from out of town book your hotels soon. there are plenty of rooms in orlando if daytona if full. orlando is 1 hour away.
I'll be there. Probably not with the Mav though. But I grew up near Daytona and we are usually there at Thanksgiving. The Turkeyrun is a great show too, I've been a few times.
the car is back from the paint shop and looks awesome. i didn't have it back 5 minutes when a guy on the street flagged me down to check it out. and that was without the trim on. i now need to replace the back deck and new carpet and the interior and body will be done. i found a guy who has n.o.s. rear decks but he wants $34 for them. i don't know if that is a good price or not. any comments? as for the turkey run it is open for up to 1979 for the first 2 days then on sunday is open to later year customs that will have to meet with preapproval. something is funny on their website for the preregistering. one page will pop up saying preregistering is closed but if you type in turkey rod run on your search engine and pull up the home page it states preregistration is open until early nov..i just preregistered today and everything went fine. craig i would love to see you there and finally get to meet you. it is to far for some of us to drive to come to the national meets very often. i can guarantee it is still warmer here at thanksgiving than indiana. i know i grew up there just outside of richmond in a small area known as fountain city and whitewater. you might know fountain city as it is known to have one of the original underground railroad houses still standing in it's downtown. i know there was a page telling how to post pics somewhere on this site but i can't find it. can someone tell me where i can get this info so i can show off the newest custom 4dr to the world. i am dying to show everyone here how ti turned out. i took it to old town last night and i must have had 150 people stop to talk and admire. i had an interesting conversation with a guy who says he has dyno dons original racing maverick along with 3 other racers cars and the motors they raced with still in them. i gave him this site and he said he would put in a post to let everyone in on the whole story. i hope he was on the level. he seemed to be straight up with all his info. we'll see
mav 73 where in florida are you? are you close enough to make a show in kissimmee on the 11 of sept? there is a memorial show at old town. gates open at 10 a.m. but i will probably get there around 7:00 to get in line for a good spot. there are going to be live bands all day ,several speakers, 2 different flyovers, and best is 2 different t.v. shows are going to be there taping for upcoming shows. pre 73will be let in at 10 a.m. ,73-87 will be let in at 5:00 p.m., and bikes will be let in at 6 or 7 p.m. with a cruise thru the streets of old town starting at 8:30 if you can make it you can always hang out at my mav if yours is later than 72 until the gates open for you. i'd like to meet some of the club and forum members.let me know jason
Jason, I know it has to be you that I keep missing at the Dr. Phillips Cruise-In Friday nights. I was there last Friday and the DJ told me that there was another Maverick that would show up sometimes. I'm on 24 hr. call out for work this weekend but I'm gonna try to sneek in the cruise at Dr. Phillips and the big one at the muscle car place (Dillard St.) in Winter Garden Saturday night. Let me know and we will try to get together. The show at Old Town Sep. 10-11 will also have My Classic Car filming for there fall shows. Hmmm. Might try to attend that one.
part time---i will try to go to dr. philips this friday. what time is the show in winter garden? i have to attend a wedding at 3:30 then the reception but i might escape in enough time to go to that one since old town is out for this weekend. i have known butch(dj) for several years. we met when he was the d.j. for the cruise at old town many years ago. he is a good guy. we definatly need to hook up for the sept 11th show. send a p.m.and i can get you my phone #. the show isn't on the 10th unless you count the regular friday night cruise. on the 11th there will be 2 shows taping. i can't remember the name of the second one but last sat. we found out they would be there too. call me and i can give you details on gate opening times and all that. have you considered turkey rod yet?it would look really cool with you,me,and 289mav rolling down I-4 to daytona. now that is something you would never see in orlando. i'm watching another 4dr up for sale to see about maybe bidding. the wife wants a mav now ever since she drove mine.
Hey Jason - I'm planning on going to the Rod Run. My dad and I go almost every year. He has a 1970 Sport Satellite (factory 383, 4spd A/C car with buckets - really rare). As for the show on the 11th I doubt I'll make it with the Mav but I would like to come down for the day. I started tearing into the floor to fix a "little hole" and now I'm in the middle of replacing the floor boards! Good news is the Torque boxes are in good shape so it won't be as bad as I feared. But I don't forsee that being done by the 11th. Maybe I'll try to make it over to Dr. Philips this Friday, assuming we're not in the middle of Frances. How do they feel about newer cars? I could stop by with my '04 Mach 1. Feel a little weird taking it to the show since it's brand new.... Let me know the details on the time and I'll see if I can make it by. Maybe show you some of the picts of my current Mav / Flintsone-mobile. -Dave
289mav- the last time i went there was a new cobra in the show area. it is open to all customs and rare factory cars. that would include your cobra. several new vettes and an s-10 custom were there too. it isn't a large show but it is a good place to meet and talk to many different people. we will have to share contact numbers so i can find that satellite at the rod run. as for the 11th come on down and i will throw an extra chair in the trunk. you can even roll through the cruise in my mav if you want. i know how bad the withdrawl can be not being able to drive yours. if the storm holds out the wife says i can go on friday to dr. philips but i have to bring my pit crew(2 girls). they helped me work on it and know alot of what went into it. not bad for 8 and 9. friday i will probably be up there around 6:30-7:00. it closes with raffle drawings at 9:00. i think part time said he was going to try to make it also. he was on call this weekend but said he would try. then the 3 locals could finally meet will the mav be ready by turkey rod? yabba dabba doo
Hey Jason, How long would you be staying at old town? If I have time I might be able to make it. but im not sure because I have some things to do on the 11th. but if I did it would most likely be in the evening that's why I was wondering how long you were staying. please let me know. Thanks Maverick73
Hey Jason, We'll see what this hurricane is going to do. My Mav is actually sitting over in Titusville now so hopefully it weathers the storm. My dad is off on the 11th so he and I may head down to old town in the Satellite but I appreciate the offer. The plan is to have the Mav ready for the Rod Run, hopefully it'll be ready by the end of September. I'll be doing some traveling for work (I'll be in Houston for a week in September and Germany for 2 weeks in October. ) so I may be cutting it close. I'm going to register it and plan on taking it. May be a dumb question but where exactly is the show friday night? I'm over on the East side of town near UCF.... As long as the weather holds out I'll head that way with the Mach 1 Friday night. I'll be the guy with the Competition Orange Mach 1.
mav73--i will be there from opening gate untill the end which usually goes untill 10-11p.m. since they have drawings and stuff after the cruise. 289mav-- the show is in the shopping center near the corner of dr. philips and sand lk rd. from 441 on sandlake it would be on your right down dr. philips from the windermere area it will be a right turn onto sandlake the another right into the plaza look for the cars you cAn see them from sandlk no question is dumb if it is asked with good intent hopefully this storm won't wipe us out. batton the hatches here she blows
Ok thanks Jason, If I can I would like to come might bring my sons Maverick because mine doesn't run. his Maverick is not in Excellent shape insince it's not should it enter the show?