I put a pertronix Module in a couple of days ago. It took longer to read the instructions than it did to make the change. VERY EASY. My question is, I have both wires hooked to the coil. It runs wonderfully but only with 6.3 volts. the instructions said to hook it to the switch before the resistor wire but it runs so well now, is that necessary and will it cause any problems now or down the road ( like complete failier)?
I have...HEARD/READ...of people having problems without a straight 12Vs hooked to it. also...check and make sure your coil has the right... resistance... ...:Handshake...
If you got their site, it says they will work down to 8 volts, or it did, Mine is running off the resistive wire, been good for 3 years now. Mine is the first one. Eitherway, in that bundle where the engine harness connects, there is a switched 12v.
12v It may run like it is , but it will fail ultimately with out a full switched 12v power source. And the above advice about the proper coil is important, better get on the phone and talk with them for the details. When they go out,,and they can, you will be stuck on the side of the road. I keep my old points and condenser in my trunk travel bag .
im doing the same thing as bob who started this post and havent had a problem yet. it runs really smooth but i would like to get around this resistor like it should be installed. idk were this resistor would be and what not...