I just wanted to share a pic with you all of my new converted halogen headlamps. I decided on the Pilot conversion kit (part # WI-HL7A) and 60/55 watt xenon-blue H4 bulbs. The new lenses are polycarbonate plastic like what's found on today's cars, and the xenon bulbs are the type that appear blue when off but give off a pure white light when on, mimicking that of HID lamps. Total cost including shipping was around $70. I had to make minor modifications to the headlight buckets, removing some material from the very back to accomodate the slightly larger diameter sockets. This was easily accomplished using a jigsaw with a metal-cutting blade, and took about 2 minutes to perform. Everything else was just a matter of swapping parts. The total job (including metal work) took maybe 25 mintues. The difference is literally night and day. I could barely see with the old lights but the new ones really light up the night. I was surprised at how white the light is and also how crisp the beam pattern is. I highly recommend this upgrade, as it makes night driving much safer. Not only that but the new lights look pretty cool too. In the picture below, the light on the left is the old one, the one on the right is the new. The camera doesn't do it justice really, but the difference is quite dramatic in person. Just thought I'd share this. Sam
Cool upgrade! The picture really does not show one being brighter than the other, but 30-year newer technology is sure to make a difference! Did you add a relay-system to your headlight wiring? If not, I would highly recommend it. It helps the bulbs to produce much more light(at least 10-15%), and is much easier on our already old and overloaded headlight switches. It only takes about an hour to install, and requires no cutting of any wires. It is simply a 'plug and play' deal!
If i wasnt broke right now, id buy em. I like them. Is there any more info on this relay thing??? -Todd
Todd, this thread should have the info you're looking for: http://www.maverick.to/mmb/showthread.php?t=5561&highlight=lite+relay
Sam I have a 70 with the original alternator, do you need to get a bigger alternator (more amps) to run the new lights? it really looks great. John
look really nice! i like it! i also like the other lights in your grill! just one warning on the pilots though.. i have seen some of thier other stuff and the plastic over time discolors... yellowish... i would just keep them clean and from harsh weather conditions and they should be fine
There was an article in this month's "Legendary Fords" magazine on just this subject. A big problem with older Fords and halogen conversions is flickering of the lights after they have been on a while and everything heats up. This is caused by the curcuit interrupter in the headlight switch heating up and flicking off and on. The switches weren't made for the amperage needs that halogens draw. The relay system mentioned is the proper corrective action for this problem, as well as a preventative measure to protect the switch and wiring from overheating.
I see a difference. Looks Good Sam How ya been. One of the Old Maverickers. I remember when Sam, TL, myself and few others opened this MMB board up or close to the beginning. Sam and TL used to argue all the time I always got a kick out of it Believe it or not Sam I still have your AOD conversion you sent me.
Hey all, Thanks for all the positve responses. Let's see if I can address all the questions. Yes, I did install relays, but I had already done it before the conversion. I put the high and low beams on seperate relays for redundancy purposes. I neglected to mention the importance of the relays in my first post. I should say now that I would not recommend doing the conversion without them for the reasons that others have mentioned. I would think the original alternator would be sufficient for use with this conversion, however most folks also like to install other accessories and upgraded sound systems too. The original alternator may handle one of these, but not all of them at the same time. This kit and bulbs were purchased at JC Whitney, but it's the plain one, not the one with the colored rings. I've had a set of Pilot driving/fog lamps on my truck for 5 years now and like them very much, hence the reason I decided on that brand. There are others that may be better, but the quality seems good for the money spent. Hey 1badmav! I remember the old days too... lots of fun. TL and I used to spar pretty good back then, but I think age and maturity have served both of us well. I still get agitated from time to time, I just deal with it differently now. Anyway, this has been a good conversation... Lots of good info out there. I have more pics but I don't want to clog up the board with them. If anyone wants to see them or has more questions just let me know. Sam