Its been a long while since my last post.. The Mav is at my unk's body shop gettin blocked this weekend and i wanted to show you all the progress.. Its costing me 2 grand in all for the body work, paint and restore both bumpers and door handles.. Well worth it seeing my unkles shop puts out some of the cleanest low riders around.. Plus hes constantly complaining about not making any money off this job..lmao.. "Prolly shouldnt have agreed to do it so low" thats what my dad tells him!.. Anyway, its gonna be white with a pearl blue over it and have the red grabber strips alone the sides if I can ever find them... any thoughts?..
Call these guys up and ask if they can make you a red set:
Few more pictures.. check out the front and rear valances! And u gotta love those 14" western wheels.. Unk wants me to have em chromed!..
Nooooo... Don't chrome the wheels. Just repaint the inner area a nice black and polish up the bare aluminum surface. That would look real good with a white car and red stripes.
Thanks Maverick75.. Ive seen that site but never thought to call about making me a set red stripes.. Good idea.. Also Ryan dont worry Im doing exactly what you would to the wheels.. Plus color match the center caps with the car and redo all the black detail on them.. My first thought was to do em black and red just like the A-team's westerns but abandon that cause id look kinda tacky
Up date The car is done in paint and body... it looks great.. Bright white with a bit of blue pearl.. I actually have to wait till monday to take it tho.. Lots of work to go till it show ready still.. Would it be cheaper to buy new outside door handles or rechrome the old ones when I send the bumpers out. about 100buks more on top of the 3 for both bumpers.. Any ideas on side mirrors. I have the stock ones but the neck of both are looser then an newborns.. Thanks guys.. More pix when I get her home to myself..
Dash and what ever that is called between the package tray and rear glass.. All door jams as well as trunk and hood color matched..
The chrome shop lady told us that a lot of Mustang guys will buy the repop handles (and bumpers) and have the shop to put real chrome on them. She went on to say the repop chrome will not last long.
I found both new handles and mirrors on ebay this morning.. I think imma order em for myself for fathers day... what do you guys think about those round style side mirrors on 60s mustangs compared to our squarish stock ones?.. Glad you like it tho don, alot of blood sweat and gears..
Your uncle likes you & your dad because, I would bet my mav he lost money on that job. Most GOOD shops would charge 3X that. ( I`m betting your uncle`s shop is as good as you say ) Looks good, fun color choice. Keep up the good work, & updates.