I called about a Stock rust free maverick hood for sale on Craigslist a few months ago. When I drove up to Atlanta to get it, The man had what I thought was a body shop.It turned out to be a shop where he builds cars for the Motion picture industry! We spent the afternoon talking about movies he had prepaired cars for,He also had a camera truck,a filming trailer to tow cars on that are supposed to be driving down the road with actors in them during scenes, The trailer has hauled (while filming) cars from Thelma and Louise, The Dukes of Hazard movie,the Dale Earnheart story ect. ect. Gary was telling me that the Maverick hood had ben taken off of a Californis car that he prepaired for the new movie Fast Five. He said that he replaced it with a Crites hood to make the car look sportier in the movie. On the floor of his shop was a grill assembly from a 1969 Charger...I pointed at it and said "Vin Deisel?" Gary answered "Yep ,Vin Diesel, that grill is in good shape ,and I put a cracked on in the movie car cause its going to get crushed in the movie." He explained to me that when you see a muscle car get wiped out in a movie it IS NOT a good car,but instead a rust bucket that they paint up to be crashed. He is a car guy and said no way would he tear up good repairable cars when he can patch up a junker to get wiped out on screen. He even put two new quarter panels in one of the chargers for the movie because the quarters where too rusted out to fix. As we talked i learned that the first movie he ever worked on was Smokey and the Bandit! Also he built the cars for the TV show "The Dukes of hazard" His company also offers lots of equipment and services for the motion picture industry. Check out his websight. http://www.longshadowproductionsinc.com/ He had a really Rusted out 68 Mustang I thought about buying ,but it really didnt have any parts on it worth saveing, Gary had bought it to get the dash and VIN from to put on his NEW Dynacorn mustang body that he is building a "Bullitt" clone from for his own personal use. I had to wait a few days to get back in touch with him because he was out of town down in Brunswick Georgia filming the new "X-Men" movie.
what i hate about seeing this car is that im in the middle of painting my car and i really wanted some similar looking shelby style, boss 336, ford racing mustang gt track,american racing daytona type of wheel and i know people are going to think i fixed up a maverick because of that movie. on the other hand everyone i know knows ive had mavericks for years now and maverics may start getting a little more respect now.
This is not the first Maverick to have this basic wheel style there are at least a couple in the gallery here that have "Halibrand" type wheels. But I know what you mean people in general at car shows and stuff may think you got the idea from this movie.
Either way, it's a Maverick in a major motion picture, from this decade. Sometimes those 5 second roles, make a huge difference.
But the movie sucks BIG time. Wow, could not wait for it to be over. Would have walked out but I didnt want to lose a chance to see another Maverick scene. Wont get that 2 hours back.
That is an awesome video. Even the wife is excited, and going to tell her principal about it. Of course, her principal is a The Rock fan, and my wife is a Vin Diesel fan. My wife, by the way, is the librarian, not a student at the school....
hehe! I keep telling the wife he is a short fat gay guy. She says he is 6'-2" as per his facebook page, but he keeps showing up as knee high to his female counterparts on the screen, and she won't listen or believe me. It would be awesome if some indisputable proof showed up showing he was a short fat farker...
Ok, actually..it wasn't that bad of a movie. Some of the terminology sucked....but overall it wasn't bad. The Maverick looked pretty good, anyone that knows what it is, will see it long enough.
Still the movie may be kinda bad but let's look at the bright side here...Maverick exposure to the ford brand is great. I even bet there'll be a surge in people looking for Mav's now.LOL!
Loved the movie and it was great to see the black Mav driving through town! I didn't see the blue one though, will have to look closer when it comes out for rent.