Are you using any spacers between the tracks and the floor? Mine uses spacers on the hump side to level the seat. If yours do not require the spacers then you'll probably need the ones I have as well as the brackets. I will send you my set of tracks for trade so that you don't have any chance of downtime for your shows as soon as you let me know about the spacers. Thank you!
I'm using no spacers and my seats are level ... I look forward to installing the non-LDO tracks ... I'm a short guy so a little boost to look over the steering wheel would be nice I assume the tracks you have will fit my 1971 which has no catalytic converter .. Thanks again!
Okay, I'll send a complete set with spacers out to you tomorrow. I'm a tall guy and I'm looking forward to being able to get my legs under the steering wheel. Fitting your '71 will not be a problem. These brackets are out of a '71...a perfect match!
If you could include a drawing or picture of the original way they were installed that would be great .... which track goes where and which spacer goes where ... Thanks
I will leave all the hardware on them just as they came off the car. The side with the spacers goes on the hump side. The track with the adjuster handle always goes on the left. I think that's the same for both sides. I will take an assembled photo before I remove them for you as well.
Yes...I learned something new as well. I have a Maverick with LDO and I have a Maverick with the high backs.....never noticed the difference.
Al ... I got the tracks today. If the weather holds out down here in GA I will try to get them swapped this weekend. THey are going to definitely make my seats quite a bit higher so you should be happy with how much yours will be lowered ..... Thanks ... Dan
They are on their way back ... shipped them to the return address on the original package ... THanks! .... I'll send you some pics of how I had them installed so they were flat on the floor .... Dan
Here are the after shots ... about 2 or 3 inches higher I'd say ... I can definitely see over the hood better. I'm 5' 10" so it works well for me ...
Awesome, that looks great! Glad you can get a boost! I'll post picks when I get the flat ones mounted here. Thanks again!
Al ... here are the installation pictures. This is how I had the tracks installed so the seats sat low and level .... Good luck .... Dan ... My exhaust guy trimmed some of the bolts but they are longer enough ...