Any one have an ideal why I keep burning points out in my 302? New points take about a month to burn up. I will install a new set in about a month they are burned up so bad that I will have to install new instead of just filing and resetting. Any thought on this?
Also, do you lube the cam? If engine is not running don`t leave ignition on. I`ve not done it except in school, the tension on points have spec`s andare to be checked.
How much voltage do you have running to the coil? Points only need about 6-8 volts, more than that will burn them up pretty fast. Your resistor wire may be bad. I have had the same set in my car for three years now, and haven't even had to re gap them.....
you might also check the I wire on the starter selenoid and make sure its not stuck and sending 12 volts to the coil all the time, instead of just when cranking.
x2 get rid of the points i went with the accel unit on summit and bought a blaster 2 coil at the same time works great
I second that, I did away with the points the other day, and got a MSD electronic module. Along with an Accel coil, works damn good now, maybe even better.