Threw this together tonight. Car goes through constant change to say the least, so I figured I'd do a quick vid from project pics. The Mac makes it pretty easy. I think its in order for the most part. Just highlighted the major changes. Enjoy. [nomedia=""]YouTube - Joe Dirt Changes[/nomedia]
Nicely done. I had a hard time figuring out why he'd build that masterpiece of a turbo EFI setup and then snatch it all out for a knuckle-dragging carb motor like the rest of us. Or why he couldn't settle on any number of the perfectly great wheels he had. Now that he's doing the LS engine I think I understand. He's a lunatic. And that's ok. I'm actually surprised it's only had one perfectly great paint job during all this. Really I think he's holding back. This is probably sensible and restrained in his poor twisted mind...