what are you talking used to be the norm? lol people are still doin that specailly runnin across the sisters haha
The first race I wanna be ready for is this september, have a lot of things to do still to get ready but I'm excited. I think my class would be the 110 mph class.
Well I haven't been out there in several years, but as far as west Texas, it's not the wild west anymore. Then again the speed limits have been raised well past what it was then. The truck I drive will top in at 80 mph, and no one's passed me in the past year down here. I suspect the ones you're seein on the sisters are newbies who haven't learned how to make a controlled descent yet. There's lots of that type of drivers on the road now and more coming out of the driving schools where about all they teach em to do is back up and shift gears (and few even come close to mastering that) How much do you think they learn in 16 days of school ?
Mashori, If you do enter the race just make sure your suspension is up to snuff......and make sure you have a really good set of speed rated tires......as your tech speed will be close to 130mph I would invest in a good set of Z rated skins. Remember that this is just not a short couple of mile race......................it's 90 miles and there will be a car 15 minutes in front of you and one 15 minutes behind you.........................Oh yes...................also a really good set of brakes will go along way towards easing the anxiety, because after running the 14 mile straight at just shy of 130mph and coming into the first turns/S's....................you can't afford to have brake fade! Not sure if you have a a roll bar in the car along with 5 point harnesses........but it would be a VERY good idea...............and you can use a bolt in type. I used my wife as navigator and it worked out really well.................but then my wife likes to go fast anyway.......................after doing close to 150 in my Mustang down the 14 mile stretch and then coming into the turns/S's it felt like I could open the door/jump out and run faster than the car was going navigating the curves...............................believe me, the "Speed Bug" is hard to get out of your system once you tried it.................just like drag racing. Good luck........................if you do enter let us know...............and if you need any help just shot out!
very little, but the worst thing is, i started out driving the trainers...and ya i had to learn on my own how to come down mountains and everything on my own. I was luckily a quick learner on that one specially rolling across the rockies in snow an ice for the first time lol i removed the gov. program on my truck so all i did was speed limit otherwise i was an obstical in the way
I had to learn everything on my own, starting out in 1977. Been about 4 million miles since, everywhere from Vancover B.C, to Miami FL, and Burlington Vt to Tijauna Mx. There's very few passes I haven't crossed in Colorado, Utah or New Mexico, and those are on dirt roads. The key to mountain driving is slow down and enjoy the scenery. Snow is just an inconvience, ice is another story, but I've driven a few hundred miles on that when there was no traffic. I've found a gravy job now hauling fuel in an 08 Pete tandem bobtail staying in Louisiana and occasionally to Mississippi. We still go out west though on vacation, gotta renew my soul every now and then.
Best way to get over 200mph with no modification and being able to drive it afterwards Btw on top gear the 2009-2010 corvette can only hit 168ish.. I think it was also the Z06 brand of vette.
The "rule of thumb" for 200 mph is 600hp minimum (in a streamliner) and 800 hp in a near stock "wind-blocker". You gear it to get the speed but you need the hp to actually get there. You need to block air from under the car and aerodynamics to push the car down. you need tires and suspension that is made for your speed. It's a lot easier to jump to 200mph in 7-8 seconds and then shut it all down - its a whole other feat to go 200 for a few miles on a road or dry lake bed.
Here is something on the LMC super challenger that made 200 mph and here is the photos of everything they did to make the car hit 200mph http://www.legendarymotorcar.com/site/552 Now I thought of this because the challenger has a similar profile to the maverick, granted it is a little bigger but you will still have to overcome all of the same challenges that they did to make it hit that speed...
That vid is rad.... thanks for posting!!! I have a 70 Coronet...and a Comet Wow... the air lifting the hood..
did you see the bottom of that cuda! That has to be a Cuba body on a custom frame. Its a poser cuda just like a shebly kit car. Watch this video. I bet this maverick can keep up with that cuda through the turns. If the gauges were right that maverick pulled around 1.2 g-s on the turns!!!