19 yrs old and my first car is a '75 maverick. Im looking to put a new exhaust system. Any suggestions on where to get it from? and what kind?
Welcome Welcome to the forum, from Northeastearn Illinois. U probably shud submit a little more info on what engine u have and Im sure there will be lots of suggestions as to what works. Gud Luck....
It's cool to see more young people on here, im 22 myself Unfortunately no one makes exhaust systems for our cars, so you either have to make your own or have a muffler shop make you one. Here's a link to my dual exhaust: My $60 Xhaust And if you have a 6cyl I can help you also I have a one of a kind system on my 200ci project.
agreed... 19 here i say go with what fits your preferences.. "I" would get a set of long tube headman headers, then go to a muffler shop an have them build on the rest, dual... couple 2 chambered flowmasters...
I guess you missed the part were he said he had a 6 Cylinder For a Six i'd recommend an single outlet header from mustangsunlimited to a single 2.5" pipe leading up to single inlet/dual outlet muffler under the rear seat. Then dual 2" pipes out the back. Now the muffler is tricky, I love chambered mufflers on inline 6's. But I hate the straight trough kind. I've ran a magnaflow, glasspack, and a bullet muffler and they all sounded like either a tractor or this weird fart noise. I've also ran a 40s flowmasters and a Cherrybomb Turbo II and they both sound identical. Except the Cherrybomb is twenty dollars at any parts store. I have sound clips, just click the YouTube link in my signature.