I am off to check out this car. I6, been hit in the back, was runninig when parked 3 years ago. A lovely lime green. The lady says the inside is perfect but has spiders...maybe. heheh. She won't sell it if i"m going to part it out. I'll get some pics and post here. This is the only pick that came out. Low battery
It's real rough. Been hit in the back both rear fenders are bent. rear bumper bent. spoiler center in cracked spoiler sides are ok Floors rotted out leaky cowels. bad weather stripping The lady is the 1st owner. 187K. She cried at the tought of losing her car. I reassured her that it would have a good home on a lot of other cars so, I bought it. hood is fair. a bit of surfACE RUST I COULD SEE. tOMORROW I'LL SEE IF I CAN DRIVE IT HOME OR HAVE TO HAVE IT TOWED (DAMN CAPS LOCK) sport mirrors. front bumper is good
I told her it wold have to be parted out there is toomuch body damagwe to repair.. It looks to me the whole rear end has been pushed forward. the doors drag when opening. However, I wil be taking a much closer look as soon as I finish my coffee. more pics to come
I'd love to have a grabber spoiler for my car but I can't justify the going price... How much for the one on this car?