yeah i would say upgrading seat belts should be a priority ot at least the buckle because that's where it broke, im still figureing out insurance things do you guys think theres anyway i can keep the engine out of it? it was the other persons fault but im sure whatever there insurance is gonna pay for the car isn't going to cover very much...
you don't have to settle for what the insurance company offers you for your car, the adjuster makes the decision on what to pay you and his job is to get off as cheap as possible. I would look up some ads on craigslist and Ebay of Mavericks in similar condition to yours, get an "average" number from those, and be armed with those ads when you talk to them. once they give you a number for your car that your happy with, tell them you'd take that number if you could keep the car. be firm on replacing it or repairing it. about 10 years ago i hit a horse with my 79 capri, had a well built 302 in it, I actually only paid 50 bucks for the car, then built engine. The horse owners insurance company paid me 1800 for the car and let me keep it! needless to say i was happy!
If they want to total the car make them replace it with the SAME kind and year. You have the right to do that. You cn also ask for an appraisal to determine the value - that is what I had to do with my accident. it was appraised at more than four times what I had paid for it. They paid to fix it because there estimate was only $4000 for repairs. If you have to get a lawyer and make them pay for that too.
Around here, you take what they will give you, unless you have an agreed value policy, or an appraisal done before the accident, and your car is insured for that value. You should be able to buy it back, for less than they give you. Give them too much of a hard time, you may be looking for another insurance company.....
Let me know if you are looking for another. I'll check around here for good deals. Fresno has tons of em'.