We all know that they under estimated HP on the Muscle Cars Hard to keep a straight face talking to people like that sometimes.
You should have pointed to yours, and told him that's the way it came from the factory lol. Only thing I've ever changed on it is the spark plugs and oil...and I've only changed the spark plugs once. They were the Boss/Shelby/Roush ones designed by Carrol Shelby, Smokey Yunick, and Jack Roush. The electrodes were made of 99% pure unobtanium. They say Jack personally machined each and every one of them by hand...and if you look at them under an electron microscope, you can see Carrols laser etched signature on every single electrode. Those plugs are single handedly responsible for Dodge/Plymouth leaving NASCAR because the Hemis could not compete... It even has the original air in the tires. It was the "Grabber ZZ" option. LMAO...
how many mavs did carroll pimp out? i thought he only built one and showed it in mexico or something... ive only seen like two pix..
When I bought my 70 in 73 the original owner had put decals on the front fender stripes that said "Grabber GT".
Having a Goofus tell you about your car never gets old. Based on my lopey idle, mine was the big block model according to Cletus the 45 year old guy who needed a ride from the pool hall back to his moms house where he lived because he was on disability after slipping on chicken fat at Food-4-Less......