get your minds out of the gutter...I'm straight:bananaman but seriously.... so. I took the old stallion down the road (maybe 2 miles each way) to get an estimate on repairing the floors. upon my return i had a pretty good amount of smoke rolling out from under the hood. interesting I thought. pop the hood and I had tranny fluid everywhere. it looked to be bubbling out of the filler tube... so I am thinking someone overfilled? or it just isn't being cooled properly, (original tranny cooler lines appear to be intact and running to the radiator like they should) ...idk....thought?
yea id lean towards overfill, plugged vent, or has anyone replaced the valve body in the trans? maybe a check ball is in a different position and needs to be put back.
ok then...none on my manuals indicate where the vent actually is, being I am somewhat of mechanical novice, maybe some one can help