I have been trying to find a suitable pair of bucket seats to use that wont cost me a small fortune to repair and i found a pair for sale out of a 1976 maverick that i am looking into buying. So with that said i was just wandering what the differences are from year to year, late model seats compared to earlier style seats.
The seat rails out of a 76, won't be a direct swap into your car. 75 & up had a change in the passenger side floor pan. You'd be best finding a set of 71-74 bucket seat rails, they any 70's Ford (Mustang, Maverick, etc..) bucket seat will mount to them.
ok so all of the brackets from mustangs,pinto,granadas,ect. from 1970-4 will work with the seats. oh, and the seats from 76 have the same shape as the early years?
What Dave was saying is the seat rails/brackets have to be out of a 71-74 Maverick/Comet, the bucket seats can be from any 70's Ford car.....
I was just about to post a similar question. Just have a small question to add to the mix...... Does an original bench seat car require any drilling for additional holes for the sliders or no??
On a bench seat car, the inboard holes for the sliders aren't drilled from the factory. On mine, and most others, they were dimpled, but not drilled. Have to pull the carpet and sound deadner to find them....
Ok Thank you very much. They were the same on my Nova. But I was too lazy to pull the deadner so I just put the seat in brackets and all and marked where I needed to drill lol.
1970 Maverick floor pans were never designed for bucket seats, they are totally different. I don't think having a set of Maverick Factory bucket seats tracks would help out much here.
So regardless of what type of bucket seat tracks i have i will have to do some mods because of the 70 floor pans.
When I swithched from bench to buckets in my 77, the carpet already had the x cute in it so I just poked through to the floor pan and the dimple was there so I drilled the holes and the seats dropped right in. I did take the buckets out of a 77 ldo, so everything was the same. It makes things a lot easyier when the cars are the same year. The difference from the earlier mavs and the later is that the right side floor pan has a big hump on the side of the tunnel for the catilitic converter requirering a different style track to fit it. So if you want to install later model seats in a early model car you will need the early style tracks. I hope this helps explain things a little.
Yes you will. All 1972 Ford Mavericks have a floorpan designed for bucket seats. Now....bucket seat cars did have an extra bracket welded to the floor, but they are not absolutely necessary
alright awesome!! glad to know, now i can go lookin for em haha cuz the seat rails are easier to come by then the seats outta a maverick. Im tryin to keep the interior kinda like stock.