Why is there smoke coming out of oil cap? Not alot but you can see smoke. Is something wrong with the motor? If anyone know whats wrong or how I can fix it ,please let me know . Help.
The smoke you are seeing is typical...Especially if its got a few miles on it. Its cylender blow by. Nothing to be alarmed about unless its accompanied by oil being blown out of the hole and a steady pup pup pup sound. Put a new PCV valve in it if it will make you feel better. Good luck!!!
Smoke from the oil cap is blowby. The volume of blowby is more than the PCV system can handle. If It is not a stuck PCV valve, overfilled with oil, or overheating the rings/cylinder walls/pistons are worn. A lot of Ford motors run for many more miles with a lot of blowby but, it is an indication it is time to start saving for an overhaul.
Blow by is completely normal. Never seen one that didn't have some, unless it had gapless piston rings, some gasses will escape past the rings.
PCV should be sucking the blow-by out of crankcase and sucking it into the intake. Replace your PCV valve, little filter in air cleaner if it has one. (if no pcv filter, I would rig one up) Make sure your runnig correct blend of oil also. Change oil if due. Does the engine seem sound?
Engine sound good, but once in a while you can hear a lifter. Planning on changing oil and maybe putting something in oil to stop lifter. What do you think.
I had a Torino with a 4V Cleveland that would blow the PCV valve and the oil filler cap out of the valve covers if you mashed the loud pedal. That car had some serious blow by! Turned out to be two broken pistons but it would still torture the tires.