Went to another show today with my buddies Clay and Dwight. Dwight just bought a killer 67 Camaro this week and wanted to get it out and show it, so we went up to Brilliant, AL for their Coalfest show. Brillant was founded as a coal mining town, hence the name. Dwight got the Firemans choice award, I got second place in the modified division. A great time was had by all, even with the heat! Here is a few pics I took, Clay's black Mav, Dwight's Camaro, my Mav, and Dwight's wife Rhonda's Mercedes . http://s882.photobucket.com/albums/...oalfest Brillant AL 2011/?albumview=slideshow
Ahhh, man,, what nice cars!!!!! I dont get on here much anymore but you really have made great progress on yours,, looks bitchin!!!!!
I forgot to mention that this was a judged show. I usually stay away from those, didn't know this one was until we got there. Thanks Dan and Dave! I really don't think of mine as a "show" car, I really built it more as a drive to the cruise in type car. It's been a long, hard time to get it where it is now, and I love it when somebody says "Nice car!"
Nice cars and congrats on the award. I have never put my car into a judged show before. But it seems the Mavericks are starting to be a crowd favorite with all the awards we hear about from you guys. I just might have to give it a shot and sign up for one sometime. I built my car for me and for my tastes, as you did. But would be intersting to see what non Maverick guys say about it. I bet being a little unique and different than the rest of the cars helps the Mavericks when it comes time to be judged.