Does anyone know a good way to repair a few nice sized holes and tears in a headliner short of ripping it out. I want to patch up sevearl rips/tears and have been looking for headliner patch kits or something a long the lines and havnt had much luck. I dont need it to look like a show car just something that does the job and could blend in a bit. Some kind of vinyl repair kit ot vinyl patch would be great. anyone have any ideas??
I patched 2 holes in the back of mine. I used the seat vinyl patch kits you can get online or in stores. Came out decent, doesn't stand out unless you look for it.
black. i was thinking about duct tape too for now, just to help keep it from ripping more untill i can get it replaced down the road. im gonna stop buy a couple auto parts stores today tho and also check out a vinyl repair kit and see if thats what im looking for.
I just replaced my black headliner and I'm gonna keep the old one to check fit on new ones but I could cut you a few chunks out if you'd like them.
Since your headliner is black and you are thinking of taping it ... I would like to suggest Gorilla Tape. It does not shrink over time like duct tape, and does not leave a lot of residue behind either, and it is black.