Hey everyone. I have an opportunity to purchase a Maverick but its 1400 miles away. Can it be shipped? Or would it be easier to fly and drive it home? So far I'm looking at about $900 to fly and drive.
I live in NW Ohio and bought my 70 Maverick from a member on this board in Redlands CA. It cost me $800 delivered to my door. This was 2 years ago, so prices might be a little higher now considering the cost of fuel right now. If it was me, I would rather spend a few extra dollars to have it shipped then worry about driving a car I just bought a long distance and possibly run into mechanical problems. Just my
You can get it shipped for the same price. I have used a company (Allstate Transport) for 6 different shipments within the last 2-3 years. Never have I spent over $900. You will also save your time. I can be making money the two days I would be gone. Therefore it would cost me more than $900 to go get it myself. Not to mention the possibility of breakdown with an unknown car.
I flew in and drove home in one of mine and drove down with my Dad and drove the other one home. Both times it was about 12 hour drive home. I talked to both of the sellers for quite awhile and asked lots of questions about the cars until I was sufficiently satisfied in my own mind that the car would make the trip. I made sure I had my insurance company's tele number with me for roadside assistance and drove the hell out of them on the way home. One was from Jacksonville Fl. to Maryland and the other one was somewhere in western North Carolina back home to Maryland Both were great road trips. Took my tools with me just in case. The closest thing I had to going wrong was the first one when I picked it up on April 1st the odometer read 1,666.6 miles LOL (true story) and the second one when i picked it up the gas guage was about a hair off of empty and Dad took his sweet freaking time finding a gas station because he didn't want to stop twice and he needed diesel so instead of stopping twice he made me sweat bullets because I was certain I was going to run out of gas as we were passing exits with gas stations on them. LOL
Most all of them through popular online websites are merely brokers. Without going into detail stay away from a company called Door-to-Door Transport. Long long story, but we're still dealing with an issue they refuse to remedy. If you can get with the carrier themself you'll save a few bucks. And by all means make notes on the Bill of Lading of any thing that looks screwy when the car is picked up.
I was just about to make the same post. I need to transport from Florida to Indiana. Want a company that will not take my car out and "play" with it. (No burn outs - no driving) Do you have a link? (http://www.allstatetransport.net ??) How do you deal with damage to a car while they have it?
Dot your I's and cross your T's You would end up dealing with their insurance company with anything that amounted to "money". I was shuffled between all of them with a problem. The broker stays pretty much out of it at that point. A few hundred bucks and MAYBE you would get a check from the carrier. Have good notes from the seller and check em off. Make notes on the document you sign on receipt.