" At what point did a mans word become worthless! " When we lost the ability to pop a guy in the nose for cheating or breaking their word ...............
Hard to do that over the Internet. Seriously, I think the remote, electronic deal making is part of it. People will say things and do things they wouldn't say or do face to face.
I am sorry you lost the deal that way, it does tend to make you believe that knowone is trustworthy. I have sold a lot of cars over the years, my 68Z28 is in Sweden, and my Model A Coupe is in Finland. Both of those times we corresponded by email and phone and the guy showed up on my doorstep with cash in hand, and the deal was made. When I sold my Hot Rod the guy gave me half down in cash, $12k and walked away with my word and a bill of sale; he didn't have the car or the "pink slip". When I delivered the car to the forwarder I received the balance in cash. I met the guy in person and sized him up as I am sure he did with me...................we gained each others trust. Doing over the phone or in an email is very hard to do as there is no way to gain the others trust.............in my book anyway. Whenever I have bought a car, like the Maverick, I walked up to the guys front steps with cash...............and we made our deal from there, and he even delivered it on a trailer to my house, drove it off, backed up the street, set the trans brake/brought it up to the rev limiter and lauched it. I have never bought a car without looking at it first, no mater how far away it was................and always brought cash.........kind of old school, but it's just way I do business................and I expect the same from someone that is buying from me. I have only been burnt once for $150 bucks...............and I had a gut feeling that it wouldn't go through, but I did it anyway because I really wanted the part. I have no axe to grind here, but the guy that had the car wasn't trustworthy.............and although it may have been an inconvience to you to go get the car................maybe that would have been the thing to do, now with that said, this forum has a nice bunch of guys..........and they are spread out all over this great USofA....................if I was to get serious about a car and couldn't go get, I wouldn't hesitate to ask someone if they lived close, and would even reimburse them for their time and trouble. I have done this on other websites and it has worked out great for both parties. IMHO
Sounds like a Craiglist posting. Oh wait a guy came by the next day and offered me cash in hand, I know I told you that I would sell you the car... but. How many times have one or the other of us been burned like that. I guess the only good thing here is you still have your money, that's better then buying something but never getting anything to show for it.
People are broke..the first one with the money gets the product anymore. I've really seen the change in the last year. Cash in hand...sucks, but that seems to be the way it's going.
Look at it from the other side though. How many people say they'll buy something only to back out without letting you know, or take forever to get payment? From his end he's way better off taking the sure thing, not knowing whether or not you'd come through with the money. It doesn't excuse him lacking the courtesy of calling you to say he's got another offer though.
I told him I had cash in hand for the car I just needed to know how to send it. He managed to figure out a way for the other guy to send him the money.
you said..."I've been looking at a car for about 2 weeks, Talked to the guys agree'd on a price"... seems the other Guy looked at it 2 minutes and bought it...I would have sold it also. ...Money Talks...
Anonymity...or at least perceived anonymity anyway. Most know they'll likely never meet you face to face...so there's no shame involved. Sad...but true...
The fact of the matter is I had been trying to get him the money for over a week. He kept saying he would take a wire transfer for the deposit, but didn't know how to do it. So I told him to figure out how he wanted it done I had the money in my hand. You make it seem like I wasn't interested in buying the car and someone else. The words were spoken "I will save it for you until We figure out how the get the deposit" I said that is fine, Trusting that, what he said was the truth.
I just told someone else on this board the same thing. The were talking about someone holding a car for them. I told them not to hold their breathe or believe the car would be there when they got around to it. I have been burned the same way. Old Man was supposed to hold a 68 stang for me and I took of work early the next day to bring him the money and he sold the car half an hour after I spoke face to face with him. Even told him I HAVE THE MONEY I can go get it out of the bank now. He said he would hold it until tomorrow. Someone showed up half hour later with less than he was asking but had cash in hand and he sold it for less than I offered him. All he had to do was wait 12 maybe 15 hours and he could have pocketed a couple hundred more in cash. MONEY TALKS
Sales and buying is an opportunity business but it is also a personality based situation. You can buy stuff with cash or by building a relationship with the other member of the transaction. The phrase used when entering any transaction is "Let the buyer beware." All you lost was an opportunity to buy so learn from it and do better next time.