Well on the way home tonight I stopped at Hortons for the wife. Pull up to the window and the young fellow leans out to check out the car and knocks a coffee all over his feet. Does a little dance and toughs through it to say cool car. The color is awesome man. How much HP is it?? I was still kind of laughing over the coffee and manged to say I have no idea,never dyno'd it. So I asked him a question, Do you know what this car is?? He had no idea. Too funny. At least he liked it. Then on the HWY a guy pulls out to pass me and slows down and leans on the horn. Some older guy looked around 70 and his wife in a nice fancy diesel Grand Cherokee. Hes smiling away giving me the thumbs up and drifts half way onto the shoulder so the little old lady hauls off and belts him one and points at the road. I'll tell ya the Mav sure creates some joy for me.
Cool stuff Darren. I once had a guy roll down his window and start asking me questions as we were winding through pylons and cutting across traffic lanes in the middle of a really messed-up road construction zone. He actually had to speed to catch up to me.... my reply was "gimme a minute, I'd really like to watch the road here ..." :16suspect I thought he was going to crash both of us.
Last time I was at my Uncles he was telling me about a few people who had asked if we wanted to sell the "car" (maverick) the best was the one that asked if we wanted to sell our old Chevell I really don't see how you could mistake it for a Chevell.
lol! Im at a light in the left turn lane waiting, a guy pulls up two lanes over in a early 90's mustang and stops at light, he is motioning for me to roll down my window, i lean over and roll it down, just as he starts to say something a 1 ton truck pulls up and stops in the lane between us blocking all view we had of each other, the light turns green for me and them at same time and as I'm turning I hear him yell from other side of truck " I like your car!" LOL
These cars are amazing, just about everyone that looks at my car always remembers some family member that owned one, at least the ones old enough to what it is . Then you get to hear about the memories of their family members old Maverick. I love it