Oh boy, that looks like it will be a cramped spot, not looking forward to it working there. Thanks for the heads up though, much appreciated! Art
Did all the mavericks have the bulkhead connector, or did they change that in the later years? I didn't have a lot of time last night, but I did a little checking and it looks like a big mass of wires goes through the firewall to the left of the master cylinder. I didn't see a connector, so I have to look for it from underneath?
I am amazed..... I spent 3 hours lastnight, doing this exact same thing, I traced my white/blue striped wire back to the bulkhead. re-did the grounds. Still didn't have lights. I get on here and there's a very article talking about this, and someone else is doing it too!!!! Thanks for the info on the turn signal cam, I'll order one today and try that!!!! THANKS FOR THE INFO!!!!!!!
I found the bulkhead connectors, mine are under the dash, inside of the car. Was not able to get my test light to fire up on either side of the connector, so I guess the next thing to try is the turn signal cam....
Pulled the steering wheel last night to try replacing the turn signal cam. There is some kind of locking clip on it that's really on there, broke a couple small screw drivers trying to get it off, without success. Since I was having trouble with it, I decided to check out the "working process" with the old one still on, and to my surprise the turn signal started working just fine. I'm thinking maybe the contacts are either worn or corroded. I've decided to leave the old one on and try cleaning up all the brass. Any suggestions as to what would work for this, Brasso? After I do get it clean, I was planning on applying some dielectric grease, is that a good idea?
Hey Art, great job on your troubleshooting. Noalox Anti-Oxidant compound is even better. It is made by Ideal. This is commonly used in the electrical/electronic industry for preventing corrosion in electrical contacts, among other benefits.
my cam was broke, got it off and replaced it, now mine work too!!!!! put a new to me steering wheel on while i was in there!
Congrats Dan. Both you and Art did a great job fixing these problems. Two more Mavs back on the road!