Hello, after putting in new plugs I started up the car and was checking the plugs wires to make sure they were not hitting the headers and heard the sound of a spark. While looking around I notice a spark from the coil tower arcing down to the neg post of the coil . The coil is a New MSD. It look like it was coming from under the coil wire boot. I could not see any cracks around the coil tower. I drove the Mav home and it felt like it was running on 3 instead of 8. It no power. Tony
Yep, same here. MSD also sells what they call Power Towers to move the high voltage wire further away from the terminals.
Hello, I have Taylor wires on it now,but they came with the Mav. I have Hooker Header what is the best fitting wires ? Tony
A good clean tower, some dielectric ignition grease and a good fit on the boot will keep that from happening. Once it does happen it causes a carbon track on the tower and is hard to get rid of. you can sand the carbon track out of the cap and use a dielectric clear paint to insulate it or buy a new coil.