Ok now that I confirmed that the aode/4r70w is about 1" bigger all the way around, who here has actually installed one ?? I searched the forums with people talking about doing it but no real posting on it being done.
You are definitely charting new territory. You might need to raise the tunnel like I'm gonna do to fit my T-5 correctly.
Why do you need to raise your tunnel? The T-5 is a very common swap on here and it will fit just fine in the 72 tunnel, dimensionally its actually similar to the 4 speed toploaders that several members run in their cars with no problems. You just need to make a transmission mount. Most people can even use the same driveshaft and slipyoke off of their C4 to run with a T5. There are several conversions written up concerning T5's so you might want to do some research so you dont need to do some extra work just to find out you dont need to raise your tunnel to fit your T5 correctly...
I already did the swap. The top of the transmission is against the top of the tunnel. It works just fine but my motor is angled slightly upward. It also is making my drive-shaft angle wrong. Did any one else have this problem? I am running a 90s 5.0 Mustang drive shaft.
AODE and 4R70W are the same physical size as the AOD and many here have done that. What mount are you using? Frank(71Gold) makes a crossmember for this I believe.
i had to clearance the support that is in the tunnel to clear the t5. my pinion angle is fine. no driveshaft vibrations.
They are not the same size! the aode/4r70w is a slightly larger beast Info from clickclickracing.com (awesome site for aod stuff) aod size DIMENSION: SHORT- A:30 3/8 B:20 3/16 C:22 5/16 D:5 5/16 E:19 9/16 LONG- A:31 3/8 Gear Ratios: 2.40:1 1st gear 1.47:1 2nd gear 1.00:1 3rd gear 0.67:1 4th gear 2.00:1 reverse aode/4r70w size DIMENSION: SHORT- A:31 3/16 B:21 C:23 5/16 D:5 5/16 E:19 3/8 LONG- A:32 3/16 AODE Found In: SHORT - 92-93 - 4.6L Vic, 4.6L Marquis, 94/95 3.8/5.0 Stang, LONG - 5.0/5.8 Truck, 4.6L 92-93 Town Car 4R70W Found In: SHORT - 94+ 3.8L Tbird, Cougar, 96-04 4.6L/3.8L Stang, 94+ 4.6L Vic, Marquis, 98-2000 5.0L Explorer LONG - 94+ 4.6L Towncar, 4.6/5.4/5.0/4.2 Truck Gear Ratios (AODE): 2.40:1 1st gear 1.47:1 2nd gear 1.00:1 3rd gear 0.67:1 4th gear 2.00:1 reverse Gear Ratios (4R70W): 2.84:1 1st gear 1.55:1 2nd gear 1.00:1 3rd gear 0.70:1 4th gear 2.32:1 reverse
I did the same thing with my AOD, I fogot all about it, but it was touching, giving me a weird vibration.
I also clearanced the tunnel support for the T5. The rail won't clear it. I did forget that the 4R70W was slightly larger around in a few places, sorry for that. Still, some clearancing on the support should do it. I had all of the measurements before I sold all of the automatic stuff, I have since misplaced them. In the end, I just cut the support and tunnel and made a new forward tunnel section. Now I have all the room I need.