Also in the Mexican mavericks! I found this link the other day, might help you finding a donor :Handshake Info/sus_measure.htm
I believe the main difference between South American S10 and North American S10 trucks, is that your S10's are all on the same torsion bar suspension frame that only the 4x4's use here. The front hubs are different, and the wheel offset. The differences may or may not even matter, but someone in the US should be able to get the same brakes you used from a 4x4 S10. This is the article I use as a guide for my prodject. It's about the Mavericks big brother but it works. There are other pages out there search on 351w Maverick shock tower
Dont know how you can do the shelby drop on this. Lookslike theres no room to go down. And that is a different kind of control arm bushing that ive ever seen on these cars.
I did, and no it was quite simple to do. It helped me get just a little more header clearance, and cut the towers just a little bit lower... Wait, actually now that I think about it, there was some slight body if work if you can even call it that. I had to widen out the tower just a tiny bit to get the control arm all the way down. Five minutes with a small bottle jack and I was done, you can't even see it.
I have a 73 maverick that im trying to put my 71 maverick graber 302 into. The problem I have is the car I have now had a big block in it and i dont have the small block motor mount mounting brackets. My question is do mustang mounting brackets work on mavericks?
A friend told me that the Hedman 8300's will fit perfectly with no mods to the car or the headers... he sweared that his friend have a mav with a 351W and these headers with no mods... well, I don't think so. He have a pair of 8300's, I'll ask him if its possible sending me those heades just for me to test in my car, let's wait...
I'm pretty anxious to test my new engine, when I bought my car it was with a OEM Ford 2.3 98hp engine stuck in it