Ok so when car gets done painted im suppose to race a 88 mustang coupe lx 5.0, he says all he has are gears,tires,and full exhaust...and man its fast...my car has pretty much everthing you can get for it,all I can do is stroke it, turbo, etc to it..im hoping somebody can throw some hail marys or prayers over my way
never mind what he has. If your car hooks and your combo is working, forget the other lane. It's in the bag-!
Awesome! I'll look up the live feed. As for the race some sticky tires will help I was amazed the first time I ran drag radials as opposed to street radials.
My car has a pretty good setupp I think so..but him and one of my buddys raced awhile back he has cam,gears intake,tires,and 351-w heads and it was equal race which made me think (wtf if all I needed was gears,tires and exhaust to make my car fast like that,i wouldve just did that) thats why I want some blessings for it haha