just saw on the news where a guy was filling his truck with gas. static electricity set off a spark and a fire started. looked like he was pretty badly burned. i think he was filling a plastic gas jug in the rear. please remember to ground yourself anytime that you are filling the gas tank. they also mentioned not to get back in the car while filling as sliding across the seat can build a static charge. i also hear not long ago in fla. a race car in the staging lanes was low on fuel. they went back and got the fuel jug. when they touched it to the fuel cell to fill up the car it sparked and caused a bad fire. starting to hear more of this type of thing happening. be careful. another thing to remember is to take the spare jug out of the back of the truck and place it on the ground, especially if you have a plastic bedliner.
Here's the full story on the gas station fire, pretty scary stuff. http://www.af.mil/news/Dec2002/121102225.shtml
i am sure all of us have closed a car door and got bitten with a static charge. could this have been the one that would have blown up??? i know i try to not touch the door myself but i guess that is the lesser of the two evils. anyone remember the plastic seat covers?? a wonder the world didn't get blown away. " pump safe"..frank
Mav-Dude: Where did you get that picture of a 6 cylinder engine compartment? I'm trying to make my 70 look like it did the day it rolled off the assembly line. Can you email the picture to me? Thanks. Tom