hey guys in new here i have a 1976 ford maverick im from new jersey im looking for a club to join in i will keep everybody posted of my upgrades wich i have many plans to it new motor, and some body modification (keeping it maverick ofcourse)
Welcome! Here's a link to the oldest Maverick/Comet club in existence: http://www.maverickcometclub.org/ There are other clubs, I'm sure someone else will post a link to them for you.
Looking for a club, here you go......Maverick Comet Club International, Inc. Website: www.MaverickCometClub.org We meet every year at the Carlisle All Ford Nationals in Pennsylvania, as well as other shows all over the country. Need any more help? Just ask or do a search on this message board.
Welcome from Az. I was born in Montclair, N.J. Lived there for 19 years. There also is the Maverick Comet Group. http://www.maverickcometgroup.com/
Lone Wolf Whats up brother? How's it goin? Welcome from Bronx,NY. Just wanna tell you that I appreciate your enthusiam but your name says it all,don't join any clubs unless their older guys and responsible ones at that.You can be a Lone Wolf and still hang out with clubs here and there.And I am not saying that clubs are bad but a Lone Wolf like WolfMan makes his own rules You can always cross over the bridge and hang out over here,your more than welcome
guys check it out give me you opinion on my babe http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150733104910014.722430.530975013&l=ddd80b2cf7&type=1