I was fortunate enough to get my Maverick printed in the Readers Ride section of Modified Mustangs and Fords magazine this month. In the short write up about the car, I got the website address listed as where I found the Maverick. Hope you guys enjoy it. In an un-Maverick related note; I also just found out that my 66 Fairlane is going to be be printed as a feature car in the October issue of MM&F. I'm really honored and excited The photographer that shot my Fairlane saw the Maverick in the garage and freaked out. He wanted to shoot the Maverick also, but I asked him to hold off until I get the new engine and drivetrain finished and installed. He's already emailed me twice asking if it was ready yet. Maybe I will be lucky enough to get the Mav in the mag someday also. I'm crossing my fingers.
Sweet! They have always been a supporter of the forum, they've mentioned it a number of times now. Plus they like Mavericks & Comets.
Yea, I'm a legend in my own mind. I hope I'll still be able to take the Maverick out to car shows without getting mobbed for autographs