Hey guys! So I'm having trouble trying to sell my old 250, alotta people asking if it's a chevy haha. Had two bad piston rings and switched to the 302. Wondering if there'd be any value in trying to part it out on ebay or on forums.. What do ya think?
I kept one for 5 years, tried to give it away numerous times (it had 46000 miles on it) One day, I just took it to the scrap yard.
Only parts really worth saving are the balancer (if its good) and the distributor if its electronic ignition
I've got one sitting taking up space too! The head is probably sellable, if the engine hasn't been overheated. The parts before mentioned I would try and sell also. The rest is a boat anchor!
Thanks! I figured no one would want the exhaust manifold.. Other than that I wasn't sure lol. Thought maybe there was a hidden market for valve cover, carb or other accessories. Balancer is a good idea too! Thanks!
Im looking for an extra 250 valve cover from an early model without the bracket welded to the side and also the factory air cleaner cover!
I guess I'll give parting a try... . I should be at my storage unit tomorrow and I'll check my valve cover for you. Definitely have the air cleaner. It's a 71 Maverick 250 I6 I'll shoot you a pm after I check for the bracket -Phil
I had one and a guy wanted the carb and air cleaner of it . I told him to bring his pick up he could have the carb and air cleaner . When he got here to pick up the carb and air cleaner he ask me for some tools to remove the carb and air cleaner .I said NO NO NO the motor and trans go with carb and air cleaner . He took it .. Jay
Donations accepted How come all these people that can't give the strait six's away all live so far away. I recently found a 77 2dr body that I like better than the 76 I've been fixing up, so I gave the old car to my little buddy David. He's this kid in the neighborhood who has been "helping" me with the car ever since I dragged it down the driveway. Davids a nice guy, about 25 years old, somewhat mentally disabled, but not terribly so "what we used to call slow". He's not a bad helper, won't let me pay him anything, and thinks that Mavericks are the absolute coolest, so I figured what the heck, I'd rather see the old girl go to someone that will really appreciate her than to just chop her up and sell the parts. The old 76 is real close to being roadworthy, I've already fixed all the rusty areas, and I've got all the interior cleaned up and ready to reinstall, and replaced all the suspension parts that needed replacing. The only thing the car needs is an engine and tranny. Now David does have a drivers licence, and he's not a bad driver, but the last thing he needs is a rip roaring v8 under the hood, so if anybody knows where we can find a nice little I6 and an automatic tranny thats just going to waste give me a shout. I can't afford to pay a whole lot, but it would be worth a couple hundred bucks to see the smile on his face when he fires up the old Maverick for the first time.