1977 Maverick - 250 In-line 6, 79000 miles. Just came back from a drive to Summit Racing , its about 45 miles from my home. Car ran extremely smooth, no noise, no problems, cruising at 65 - 70 MPH.....when I pulled into Summit the "Engine Light" came on. On this "77" there are only the following Warning Lights on the IP: Seat Belt, Engine, Alternator and Brake... NO OIL PRESSURE light. Checked all the fluids and they are all topped off.....when on the road or higher RPMs the light is off so I am assuming it is a low oil pressure concern....confirmation on this would be appreciated. Next comment / question: if I am correct, would the oil pump be a potential culprit or is the 250 simply getting old (rings-pistons). Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Could be a bad water temp or oil pressure switch. Both of the switches feed the same light on the dash. At a fast idle the oil pump should keep up with loose bearings but show low pressure at 600-700 rpm
Well I am hoping that it is a switch (either of the two), simply because I plan to tear the 250 down over the winter but wanted to drive and enjoy her through the summer. She is running so good, strong and no noise I am thinking it may be a sending unit (switch) but that is hopeful thinking........no will way to check it other than maybe taking some compression checks......we will see. Thanks.
on a four stroke engine compression tests are not alway the most accurate way to go if you have access to a leak down tester it is alot more reliable way and if there is a leak down on a cylinder you will beable to hear were the pressure is going and a little easier to troubleshoot in my opinion
A compression test isn't going to tell you anything about oil pressure. You could blow the ring lands off and still have good oil pressure. Low oil pressure is caused by bad bearings, pump, stuck check valve or a clogged pick up. More then likely the switch is bad and I would check it with an actual gauge.
Very good........been doing some research and reading.......been some time since I actually had to tear down an engine....I mean replacement parts are one thing and did many of them over the years....but tear down has been some time. I hope it is the switch but who knows. Like I said, didn't really want to tear her down until she is put in the garage over the winter, but _ _ _ happens....thanks for all the tips. Hey, went in the back garage and found a few books I had on everything but the 250 Ford Inline.....any suggestions on the best manual for reference when tearing down the motor and where to get one, thanks again.
I have the complete manual for mavericks. I will print them all out this weekend and then scan them and send them to you in a pdf if you want. let me know.
Wow, that would be great. If you can send them to: jpleseganich@msn.com Mark "MavManual" on the subject matter. Really do appreciate it.
You need to get some gauges on that car so that you can work with real information. Temperature and oil pressure at a minimum. Even a cheap set will give you way more data than you have now. My two cents. Lee "THE MAV" Richart
Were on the same page......I was just searcing on line for some gauges but may simply go to the local Parts Store and pick up a set of oil and temp gauges and put them on tonight..........thanks.
I would recommend buying the copper line for the oil gauge. Dont know if it is just my luck but the plastic line leaked everywhere after 20minutes.