I'm in desperate need of suggestion of how I can cause the most harm and damage to this housing without going to jail. I have changed it 3 times, I have sanded it flat, used expensive sealers on it and tried different gaskets. For $9 it has cost me A LOT more headache, time and money. I have since replaced it with a $90 motorcraft one that's closer to production and so far no leaks. I can torch it, drive over it, put in a press, throw it out of a moving vehicle. . . I'm open to suggestions! It's currently hanging on the wall of shame . . . I hate you, you dirty tstat housing, sitting there looking all slick but overhanging that heater tube . . . look at you with you ragged dirty spout, you're nothing yea that's where you belong, on the wall of shame hope you're feeling lonely up there, that's right, I didn't even scrape off the old gasket off you
I was also having trouble getting a t-stat housing to stop leaking. With an aluminum intake, I'm always afraid to really crank down on the bolts for fear of stripping out the intake. I solved this by using a couple of carb studs/nuts instead of the bolts. You can tighten the nuts tighter this way without fear of stripping anything out. I haven't had a leak since...using the same housing. Depending on the length of the studs...you may have to do it with the intake off...not sure. I installed mine when the intake was already off, so I didn't have that issue. Might save others some headaches in the future. Now...as to the demonic housing...a plasma cutter is pretty therapeutic at times...
I once bought a Weber intake manifold that had a casting flaw, a microscopic void in the aluminum that would drip water.....Maybe turn it into a gooey mess with an oxy/acetelene torch?
If it is made of magnesium, you can grind it up and light it on fire. Makes for a really nice bright flame. Aluminum? Just do the same, but dump it into some straight muriatic acid. It should foam all over.Better acid will give a better show. Nitric or Sulfuric?
You can send it to me and I can run it through our passivation system, take a 2 or 3 min video of it disappearing when it hit the nitric acid tank (jk i would get in trouble doing that intentionally, we dont want our acid contaminated again..)
Beating it with a 24oz ball been hammer should satisfy you...It will give you a little cardio workout too...
.44 Mag. That's my prefered method of getting rid of "undesireables" You will feel the stress melt away in the cloud of aluminum dust.
Tape it to the inside of a Toyota rear bumper and know that it will ride in shame untill the crusher gets it.rofl2: