Just curious where all of the Texas Maverick/Comet Owners are. Post your city and I'll put a red dot on the map.
Forney, East of Dallas, between Mesquite and Terrell. Also, I have tons of parts for sale. I have been collecting for five years. I have 5 parts car at the moment. From the calls I have had. There are enought Maverick/Comet owners in the North Texas area to have a get together. :bananaman Rick
We have to include Blugene. He never know where he is. Mark in Marietta, OK and Rowlett, TX. I just can't forget you Gene. Rick
San antonio, tx here and I know 4 other people, 2 mav and 2 comet's here. Also I know more people in the houston area too with mav/comets
Nah there not on here but I just like to include them for san antonio and the houston guys will pop up when they see this
Phreeq and I live in Atascocita, just on the west edge of Lake Houston. Fan2488 lives in Woodlands. 924 Mav lives near Pattison (I think that is his area). There are others around here, but they aren't as active on the forum anymore.
What pattern do ypu notice? lol.. I notice places marked where no one has said in the thread.. I only mention that cause I wonder who they are. Are you thinking of hosting a mini meet? I have tried to start getting people together by doing "Dinner in Dallas". There are some who show up. I have noticed quite a few more Dallas suburbeal (lol not sure if thats a word) people here lately. Maybe time to call another dinner..