It's been almost 10 months since i started driving my maverick daily, and i dont think a single day went by that i didn't think of what i wanted to do to it to make it bigger, better, and faster. However...I have finally decided on what to do and the answer, shockingly, is nothing. I decided that having a car that's in as good of shape as mine is, practically 100% stock is more rare than finding a maverick/comet. And since it was a hand down from my grandparents, after my grandmother passing and my grandfather stopped driving it, I decided the only right thing to do would be to leave it in the shape they left it, for them. However i haven't given up on rebuilding. The goal is to find another maverick, in whatever condition it may be in that i can pick up at a reasonable price and start myself a brand new project car. Then it's back to the thinking board. Currently stuck in my mind at putting a early 90s mustang 5.0 in one, but who knows!
Thats a great way to show respect to your grand parents. Sometimes the coolest cars are the ones left all original.
Nice looking car and a survivor at that ... family history on top of it all, I think that it is an excellent decision to keep it as is. It is a Grabber and a wonderful color combo, so it is not just a plain-jane car ... it has a lot going for it. My first Comet was rough enough (several accidents before I got it), that I could have Pro Streeted it with no conscience pains. The one I have now ... nice enough that I would never go that far. It gets mods, but they tend to look factory if I can pull it off.
Good Man Most of us modify are cars iether because they arent in good shape to begin with or we're Crazy (not as rich as we think) Anybody got any other reasons I'm probably guilty of those too.
good idea. i now would have rather found a stock 6 banger car. the wife likes her comet but shes alittle scared of it.
I agree 100%. Same thing I'm doing. It's cool to leave things they way they came, to me they are like time capsules on the road. I'm building my 4 door as a factory car, with as many original/doner parts I can salvage and use for it. My 2 door will be built more my own way and with fun intended . good luck