Hey guys since you guys helped me fix my maverick I have one more question. I have an 88 ford mustang gt 5 speed. When I put in 1st and 2nd gear it grinds and also reverse. The other gears go in smooth. But if I go into 3rd then 1st then there is no grind. Also out of 1st if I go to third the bring it to 2nd then it wont gring. Also on reverse if I put 5th gear 1st then reverse, then it wont grind. Any ideas of what might be the problem or what I can to to try to resolve it? Please anything would help because that grinding noise is killing me and anoying me... Thanx in advance...
reverse will behave like that. its not synchronized. 1 and 2 definitely synchro rings. usually the grinding has worn the teeth on the gears and the selector rings and should be replaced also.
Agreed, needs a rebuild..... Also agree the reverse thing is normal, I had a new fox in 1990 that did that new..... I got them to replace the trans and it still did it..... I have driven many others since and most of them do that atleast some of the time.....
Most likely syncro`S out and rebuild in order. With reverse dragging, I would double clutch adjustment and make sure it is releasing all the way.