Took my son to a car show this weekend. It was nice to just hang out and explore cars with him. We had fun. He is 5 Aiden: Daddy, is our car faster than this one? Me: You see that snail looking thing right there? Thats a procharger. It makes the car really fast. Aiden: OH... Next car... Aiden: Daddy, is our car faster than this one? Me: You see that shiny looking thing on top of the motor? Thats a blower. It makes the car really fast. Aiden: OH... Next car... Aiden: Daddy, is our car faster than this one? Me: You see that snail looking thing right there? Thats a procharger. It makes the car really fast. Aiden: OH... pause and thoughtful expression on young guys face... Aiden: Daddy Me: Yes Aiden Aiden: We're going to have to get a Supercharger.
I've been on the fence about painting my car Blue or Red, but that picture just convinced me. Love you car
Very nice paint job! I like the color. It looks clean and mean....and no Boomerangs....nice twist...among several. ...and aren't kids great....they grow up fast.