I was curious how many of us there are in Northern California. I live in the Foothills, between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe on HWY 50. I thought it might be cool for us to get together in a few weeks from now, before the weather turns bad. My Father owns a restaurant here and about a month and a half ago we had a car show with about 30 vehicles. This Sunday we are have a 4x4 show and are expecting at least the same amount of vehicles. The parking lot holds about 30 cars and the parking lot next door, which they let us use, holds at least another 50 cars. There is lots of room. Like I said, I just thought it would be cool for all of us to get together, swap stories and check out each others cars. Let me know if any of you are interested. At least let us know where you are in Nor Cal to get a gauge of how many of us there are.
i live in modesto ca, so i guess it depends on where yer at, on weather or not its northern california...