thanks for he warm welcome! This mav my brother started doing as a tribute to my dad who passed away when we were 14 and thirteen years old, now it's a tribute to both. My son will end up with this car someday (Joe-brother, didn't have any kids that we know of- he was only 26), it will be the only car he won't have to buy himself, but he'll have to spend some time busting his knuckles on it. The Maverick to me is way more than a car, it's a symbol of life, to live it to the fullest while doing it your own way.
there's a place locally to me that sells them, i beleive it was about $160, I guarranty that belt doesn't slip! The blue is for sonic blue pearlcoat, I think i've seen someone elses on here with the same or similar color, I got two vehicles painted with it!