I'm switching from original 302 to a roller motor in my 72 comet.I've read that I needed to switch from cast to steel gear but when gears were removed from the shafts,late model is larger od on shaft - .530 vs .465 on early distributor.Any help?
Not sure on the exact size, but I can tell you the distributor setup your looking for comes stock on a 85 mustang gt with manual transmission. Might be able to cross reference that info back to what your looking for.
The 85 Mustand GT (with manual transmission) distributor is a Duraspark unit, I don't believe his 72 has Duraspark. He'll either need to wire the car for it, or replace the iron gear on a points distributor with a steel gear (Summit sells these from several vendors like Ford Racing) Or go to a steel geared drop in electronic distributor (Pertronix and several other choices are out there for this)
I used the -B gear on my early 70's distributor. Some aftermarket roller cams have gears that will allow you to use your cast iron gear but the selection of cams is limited.
Early distributers used a .467 shaft, later used a (I think) .503, anyway earlier as all points and Duraspark, Later as in everything EFI, I would strongly recommend a steel gear over bronze.