looks fun, but you should have let marry pozzi or kyle tucker to make a run to see what theyd do in your car..
Sadly enough, neither were in attendance. We missed DSE, Specte, and Gateway Performance. The heavy hitters for the weekend were Jimmy Day, James Shipka, and Bret from Ridetech.
oh that's lame hopefully i'llbe doing the one in columbus ohio next year as I didnt get to do it this year..buick nor the ford were ready atleast you had fun!
Looked good on the run..Needed a little more over steer to get ya 'round the corners faster. Stayed pretty flat though!
More autocross action at Goodguys last weekend. I improved my time by 3 seconds from last year. I would like to attribute that to a combination of suspension tuning, more power from the EFI setup, and tire pressure changes. At first the car was way to loose in the rear. I asked around and most of the guys were running around 30 psi of tire pressure on the front. I was at 45. So I started dropping the pressure. I think I found the sweet spot at 30 front and 35 rear. I ran out of time to drop it more to see if it got better. That and nerves. I was beginning to lose focus after almost driving straight into the fence. Somewhere out there is a photo of me going thru the finish line, full drift, sideways. I hope it show up. I''d love to see that. I took the wife for a ride. She loved it. I think it gained me approval for new tires/wheels and brakes. Theres another Autocross this weekend I'll hit to get more practice. This stuff is addicting.
Looks like fun. I tried doing a auto-cross once when I had a mazda miata a few years ago. It stated to rain just before the racing started so it was more like drifting, but it was a lot of fun. By my 4th run through the corse my times were getting compettive. It was a lot of fun though.
Great work on that car. Looks like it has good handling manners and it sounds mean as hell. I've had good luck keeping adjusting nuts in place using a jam nut against the adjusting nut. I've never had one come loose.
12" Wilwoods front and rear. PHR magazine wants to shoot my car but asked me when I was going to fix the dent in my hood. I told them Im waiting for Mr Yee to make me a CF cowl hood and ship it to me. LOL.