I've been trying to find a jack for my maverick. I've been through the trunks of every maverick I have been able to find to no avail. Does anyone have a photo of the actual maverick jack and does it cross reference with any other ford jacks? I thought about a late 60's mustang but they are a little expensive.
They are easy to find. They do look alot like Mustang one's, I've never compared them side to side. I'm sure Craig would have a few for sale.
It is funny...just this morning I was thinking about jacks, J-hooks, and lug wrenches. It seems that only 1/3 of the Mavericks I part out still have all this stuff. What happens to this stuff over the years? Does it fall out the rust holes? Does it get left on the roadside after a flat tire? Yes....I have some. Email me directly (see below) if I can help.
All the Mavericks I have bought have had their spares, and j-hooks, but rarely the jacks. Good riddance. Have you ever tried to change a flat with one? I always buy a small cheap floor jack for all my cars. Always in the trunk.
My feelings exactly, it's nice to have the jack for show but using it for changing a tire is an accident waitng to happen. I have seen many at junkyards in cars besides Mavericks that are exactly the same
I have one complete with the factory spare. I have a funny story about my Sisters new 74 and the jack that was useless.
My 4 door came with the original jack, hook, etc. My 2 door came had a old school bumper jack in the trunk . I had never seen one before, I don't like the idea of a jack grabbing the bumper (possible chrome damage) but it's built sturdy and can raise the wheels 2 feet off the ground.
haha Did these cars ever come with a bumper jack? Dad told me he hadn't seen one since my grandpas 63' Galaxie.
I didn't think they had bumper jacks? My 74 has big bumpers, and has the same jack as both my 73's. I had a 74 Buick Regal, it had one of those stupid jacks, that went in the slot in the bumper....didn't help when the bumper was so rotten, it just ripped through the bumper as I jacked it up....