When I left for the silver state challenge I was sporting 3.00 gears and at the shop we changed back over to 4.10 . . . soooo happy! Lucas, bryant's dog kept the seat warm
mo's t5 has the g-force gear set that has the longer ratio spread and a real deep overdrive. it works really well with the 4.10s
Actually I know what you think but it's pretty good. When strolling around a parking lot I'm always in 1st, usually in the 2500-3000 rpm range. It's really not bad. But of course I get into 4th pretty quick. The 5th gear has so much more pull on the freeway with the 4.10's. The T5 has a 2.94 1st gear so it's pretty steep.
sounds pretty good - i have the t5z in my stang behind the 200cui. 3.80 4lug 8" waiting to be installed. as long as you claim it's driveable that's good enough for me oh, and could it be that you're running rather rich? your tail panel has some nice black spots!
my A/F just isn't working right. I thought I had all the leaks in the exhaust fixed but the A/F is pretty erratic and I've damaged the unit a few times so once thinks are a little less hectic I will be redoing the exhaust and buy a new A/F kit.
We had neighbors across the street with that very last name. It seems weird to say that the Strange family moved to West Virginia.
I think for daily driving it doesn't make much sense to have 4.10 gears but there is a little sacrifice that you have to make when you want performance. It's probably more of a personal choice. One person's comfort ride is another person's bumpy off road experience . . .
Yes every body has a little differant idea of what he will live with . I had a C4 and a set of 4.63 Gears in my car for a while it was taped out quick but it sure hit the 7000 redline in a hurry. Had a guy with a 5.0 mustang try to race me from a stop light he moved first then my mav shot by him as soon as i jumped on the loud peddle.