After careful consideration, I want to keep using my 8" stock rear end, but I need to change out the gears, and I would love to add a limited-slip differential in the process. I know Randy's Ring and Pinion sells them, are there any other companies offering trac-loc units for the 8" rear?
Where is Randy's and how do I get in touch with them? I am looking for an 8" trac-loc also. Do you have a link? Thanks,
I have 8" trac loc for sale. With new gears and trac loc will be about $650 plus shipping.If anyone is interested please get in touch with me by e-mail. Only have four or five to get rid of at this time. E-mail Thanks would be glad to help ya all out.
I am setting up my own trac locs with steel billet covers for this price, you just tell me what gear you want and I can set them up and send you a complete 8" third member for $650 plus shipping. Let me know if anyone is interested at this price. If you can do better let me know and I will try to match it. E-mail me for info or orders
I have a maverick with a differential WDW-C1, 4KD (3.00, 8, 531B) as I can make positive traction, or another car you I can remove the satellite box, and make it positive traction where I can find some specification of this type of differential. thanks tengo un maverick con un diferencial WDW-C1, 4KD(3.00, 8, 531B) como lo puedo hacer posi traccion, o a que otro auto le puedo quitar la caja de satelites, y hacerlo posi traccion. Donde puedo encontrar alguna especificacion de este tipo de diferencial Gracias.
$650 is a competetive price for a complete set-up. How much for just the trac-lok unit without the gears and stuff? There's a manufacturer on e-bay that has them (new, not rebuilt) for $325. I am curious because I, also, am in the market for one, but I already have a gearset and set my own stuff up. Thanks, Eric
thanks guys, I'm from veracruz mexico and here in Mexico is very limited market. visit the website of summit but at the moment there is not much money in my pants. is there any other car that you can remove the gears and make my 8 positive differential?? jeep, ranger, ford truck, what year? thanks
Mustang II/Mercury Bobcat. That's pretty much your best hope, but I haven't found one in 6+ years of looking. Then you have to rebuilt it, so by the time your done you would have been better off buying a new one.