72 maverick I6 200. Was removing the bolts for the manifold to put a header on and all but 2 or 3 bolts snapped off. They are rust and probably one piece now with the block. Any ideas for removing these? about 3 or 4 have some length sticking out from the block still if that helps any...
Squirt the bolts with PB Blaster and then take a pair of needle nose vise grips and remove them like you would with a socket wrench. Clip it on and loosen them. If you cant get them out you will have to drill them with a small drill bit and hope you dont mess up the threads. If you do you will have to tap and re thread the holes. I had the same issue and the PB Blaster and needle nose vise grips worked for me.
like a brazing torch? or a hand held mapp gas style? how does heating them help? Any ideas on cost for having the studs removed and/or holes tapped if needed?
If they are the ones that hold the manifold to the head, the last thing you want to do is heat the bolts, they will just twist off inside the head, causing you way more troubles. What you can try is heating the area around the bolt, and melting a candle against the surface, the wax will penetrate and sometimes lubricate the treads, helping you to remove the broken bolt with vise grips. I didn't believe this, but it worked on a friends e-type jaguar. Also, heating and shooting it with penetrating oil sometimes works, Seafoam makes some pretty good penetrating oil.
if all else fails get a left hand twist drill bit and drill them out, and then helicoil them sometimes just drilling them with a left handed drill bit will walk the bolt out. Just gotta remember you gotta run your drill in reverse otherwise you wont acomplish anything but ruining a left handed drillbit.
You can try all these shadetree mechanic tricks and they just may work for you. Otherwise, I think you may need to remove the head and take it to a machine shop and have them remove the bolts....or what is left of them.
on my last mustang i had this problem, i ended up snapping two...so i welded a nut on the ends and heated them right up and strayed with lube, then let it settle, heated and put a wrench on and it came right out
Oh boy you should see all the mickey mouse things I have seen some machine shops do all for the sake of saving a few bucks, heck I bet if they took the car into the right shop they could stick a remote EDM(metal disintegrator) in and just burn the bolts out, run a tap down and put new studs in the head in a matter of 20 min or so...Of course that might just be out of the owners budjet... If you have never seen a metal disintegrator/tap/bolt burner this is what they look like
If they broke off flush center punch the stud/bolt. Heat the area around the stud,hit it with penetrant and let cool. Heat again... and repeat a couple of times. Then try a left handed drill bit. Many times it will catch and spin the bolt out. Make sure you dont break a drill bit in the stud. IF your not comfortable with this alot of machine shops will come to your place for a house call.
Hmm not many round here, one of the fab shops I use to work for had one of those. It was an awesome unit, we did some field service repair with one burnt out a couple 1 1/2-12UNC bolt out of a blind hole on a ski lift we were repairing in under 5 min Awesome little unit I am surprised more places dont use them, you can literally burn the webbing out of a broken tap thats stuck in aluminum and remove the chunks with no damage done to the threads in the aluminum or anything.