I'll be leaving everything behind for 4 months in a few short weeks. I finally put antifreeze in the car last week and am changing the oil this week. Other than some gas stabilizer, any suggestions for letting it sit for the duration?
I pretty much just put stabilizer in it. Spray some rust check in the door seams and quarter panels. One thing guys overlook is not just giving it a run to get the stabilizer in the carb but getting it into the secondaries. I drive mine out to storage so I make sure I get on the sec. a bunch on the way. Assuming you have a carb like a Holley with seperate secondary bowl. I have a glass mat battery now so it stays in the car disconnected but a standard battery should come inside for the winter. If you have rodent issues in the garage sprinkle a line of Cayenne pepper around the car. They wont come near that stuff.
What's your ethanol percentage out there? Here in NY it's 10% and the old red Stabil doesn't cut it anymore. Get the blue marine Stabil and use it per directions. --and they're gonna go to E15 now--I hate politicians
I fill the fuel tank, add sta-bil. Drive it to circulate the stuff then, park it on a thick plastic tarp (20 mil) in the garage. Put a plastic bag between the master cyl and lid (brake fluid will suck moisture out of the air) Put a plastic bag over the carb (after closing the choke) then re-install air filter base/lid. Pull the battery and take it in the house. Been doing it this way for 20 yrs...
drive it to my house I'll drive it OFTEN and you won't have to worry about winterizing it. Keep us up to date on everything and good luck Bruce.
I Put 4 mil poly on the floor with a typical blue tarp over that. The common home depot tarp does not stop all of the floor moisture in my neck of the woods but with the poly below it it sure does and the tarp on top will allow you to turn the tires without ripping the poly. I also crack the windows, cover the carb and add stabil in the tank.
I agree. 10% typically around here. Not a fan of any gas with ethanol added sitting over the winter with stabil added or not. It just doesn't age very well and like you have long winters. I use recreational gas on at least the last tank even on my lawn mowers.
Dudes? It is only 4 months. I haven't touched mine in 4 months. Battery was dead, but a quick jump and it lit up and ran better than ever. Disconnect the negative battery terminal and/or put a trickle charger on it. Or just charge it when you get back.
For 4 months....I wouldn't sweat it. I have had cars sitting for 4 years....fire 'em up and drive 'em. Good luck.
I put Stabil in the tank, keep the battery on my "Battery Tender", keep it at least 1/2 full, start it a few times a month and if the streets are dry "A riding I will go." No need for plastic - don't plan on it sitting that long w/o some movement. Long story short: my car is never put up.
If your floor sweats, I would recommend at least something decent underneath what you care about. My floor can and will sweat in all seasons when the temperature swings or with high humidity. The poly w/ the tarp is under the cars all of the time when they are parked. Probably wouldn't worry about it if it never got moisture on the slab though. Depends on your garage and climate I suppose.
Dudes? It is only 4 months. With the ethanol in the gas, and our climate up here you end up with moisture in the tank. My truck sat for 3 weeks in the garage last winter with 10% ethanol and it wouldn't start because of water.
Give it a double dose of marine stabil (blue stuff) for the ethanol, if you are worried about that, and put a trickle charger on it. It will start right up when you get back to it in 4 or 6 months.