If you are going to have the machine shop do (3) of them...you might as well have them do all of them. Welding on "those that are sticking out" could end up in disaster if your welding skills are not that good (I have no idea how good you can weld....just saying). You could end up having to have the exhaust side of the head "milled" to take off the slag you welded on there. As far as the header....unless you do other upgrades to the motor...not sure you will see much of an increase in power or mpg. You know...you should just come down to my house and I will sell you a complete running and driving 200-6 motor and C-4 tranny for $200 and you can just drop this in your car and be done with it.
well craig as good of a deal as that sounds i dont want to do all the work of a transplant. Although next spring the engine is coming out and the engine bay will be fixed up and repainted. hopefully. Welding skills are fine, hopefully these bolts will come out without too much hassle...
HEAT is the only way! I always take a grade 8 nut a lil bigger than the stud, Weld the nut onto the stud filling the entire cneter of the nut with fill metal. then immediately remove the stud while it is still hot, Heat creates the molecules in the metal to move, which breaks the seize from the corrosion.
Not sure if your still having trouble... but remove the head get a carbide left handed drill bit or masonry bit in a drill and pb blaster works. It may not be the professional ($$$) thing to do but it's inexpensive and works. and if you have,or find someone with a drill press thats even easier. Header on these straight sixes does free up roughly 15 ponies and really helps them breath at mid & higher rpm's.
maybe get a...different head...not the complete motor. have it worked and then swap them out... ......
71gold- I would think a new head and the work done on it would cost more than having the bolts removed by the machinist.
Yeah, I spent about $500.00 on getting my inline 6 head redone. Everything brand new on it and and converted to unleaded gas.
ok so i welded a nut to the longest stud and when i tried to remove the stud the nut just twisted off with some of the stud in it. too much heat? should i wait for it to cool for a min?
You want to make sure its cooled down before you try to remove it. If you do it right away the metal will still be soft and will twist off like it did. I would wait 10 minutes before twisting it off and apply PB Blaster right after you welded it so it soaks down in the threads.