headers and side pipes for a 72' maverick ive spent some time looking for headers for my maverick but i have come up short. maybe you guys can help me find some. im also looking for sidepipes. 72' maverick with a 250
here is a real answer instead of sending you on a wild goose chase. 250 headers are rare. 200 are easy to find the starter motor location is low on the 2 fitty and high on the 200 http://www.mustangsunlimited.com/itemdy00.asp?T1=BA54+01 http://www.holley.com/6601-1HKR.asp
summit has a set in there book for $169.headers are nice but plan on wraping your starter.if you dont plan on replacing your starter every couple of months.its been a long time since i put headers on my old maverick,but im almost posative it was a TOTAL pita.i also remember the ignition wires melted on the header.i was at a car show,standing in front of the car and it started up.i thrashed and finally ripped the battery cable off.it took me acouple of hours pealing the wire loom apart to get to the melted wires.all im saying is yes you gain some hp but is it worth all the problems?if its a high hp engine,yes if its stock......than imo its not worth it.
If you want long tube headers...yes they are rare for the 250 due to the low mount starter issues. A set of shorty headers should fit fine. Installation is not that bad if you know how to do it and alot easier if you use shorties. Long tubes are a little harder to get up there. Even if you have a/c it can be done. As far as the starter is concerned...you can install a mini-starter to keep it farther away from the hot pipes. Good luck.